
标题: 学习专业        
日期: 5/13/2024     
《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》的规定分类: 全职,免除    
报告: 教务主任            

韦德娱乐app下载地址 seeks a qualified, 有经验的学习专家将于2024-2025学年开始加入我们的桥梁系. An intentionally small, 所有性别, independent day and boarding school for students in grades 9-12, 索利伯里坐落在宾夕法尼亚州乡村一个绵延140英亩的校园里. Solebury students and 教师 pursue learning as a shared endeavor. 这种教育方法是索伯里教育理念的基石, 成功的候选人会很高兴加入一个建立在相互尊重原则基础上的学校社区. On-campus housing is possible based on availability.

我们的桥梁课程课程帮助那些成功受到执行能力挑战阻碍的学生, difficulty expressing ideas in writing, and/or other diagnosed learning differences. 学生们要参加完整的课程安排,并以小组的形式与学习专家会面,以帮助他们跟上进度, 完成作业, 并制定策略,以实现他们的智力优势的成功.


  • Teach up to six (6) Bridge Program classes
  • Depending on the successful candidate’s background, possibility to teach one (1) section of Foundations 英语
  • 与桥梁部的其他成员合作,为参加学习支持班的学生计划和实施个性化的支持
  • 与学生、同事和家庭建立牢固的工作关系
  • Lead an after school activity (such as newspaper, 步行俱乐部, (或辅导)从下午3:45到5:15,每周三天,三个月中的两个
  • 参与分配的周末工作,作为寄宿计划的一部分,根据住宿情况决定周末的数量
  • Serve as an advisor of up to eight students
  • Eng年龄 in continuing professional development


  • Commitment to diversity, 股本, 在教学中,在与学生和社区成员的合作中融入
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong organizational, time man年龄ment, and planning skills

Required Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in special education, 英语, or related field
  • 具有教学不同学习差异学生的经验 

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in special education or related field
  • Boarding and/or independent school experience

Physical Requirements and Work Environment:

  • 物理:偶尔施加10磅的力和/或经常或持续地施加微不足道的力来举起物体, 携带, 推, 拉, reach for or otherwise move objects, including textbooks and other teaching materials. 久坐不动的工作包括坐着、站着和在教室里走动
  • 沟通:活动包括听和说,以表达或交流思想和信息
  • 环境条件:活动主要在室内进行,偶尔在室外进行
  • 需要有效的驾驶执照以及通过各种背景调查的能力

韦德娱乐app下载地址学校为所有符合条件的员工提供有竞争力的工资和全面的福利, 包括: 

  • 医疗 & 视力保险(员工及员工加子女免费选择)
  • 牙齿保险
  • 403 (b) defined contribution retirement plan
  • Generous Paid Time Off (PTO) and School Holidays
  • Short and Long Term Disability insurance and life insurance

Physical Requirements and Work Environment:

  • Physical Requirements and Work Environment:

  • 物理:偶尔施加10磅的力和/或经常或持续地施加微不足道的力来举起物体, 携带, 推, 拉, reach for or otherwise move objects, including textbooks and other teaching materials. 久坐不动的工作包括坐着、站着和在教室里走动

  • 沟通:活动包括听和说,以表达或交流思想和信息

  • 环境条件:活动主要在室内进行,偶尔在室外进行

  • 需要有效的驾驶执照以及通过各种背景调查的能力

    韦德娱乐app下载地址学校为所有符合条件的员工提供有竞争力的工资和全面的福利, 包括: 
    医疗 & 视力保险(员工及员工加子女免费选择)

  • 牙齿保险

  • 403 (b) defined contribution retirement plan

  • Generous Paid Time Off (PTO) and School Holidays

  • Short and Long Term Disability insurance and life insurance

As part of the terms for employment and in accordance with state law, all employees undergo national, state and local background checks before starting. 就业也取决于是否有能力通过提供适当的文件来完成I-9表格和所需的认证来确定在美国就业的资格. All employees must have reliable transportation to and from school, and a valid driver's license is required.

Please submit resume and cover letter to Staci Freer, Special Projects Man年龄r, via email: sfreer@hzjly.net. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled. Interviews will begin immediately.

索莱伯里学校寻找喜欢成为学习文化一部分的教师, 他们总是努力通过反馈和自我评价来改进他们的教学. 我们重视智力挑战和学术成就以及学生和老师之间的相互尊重.

自1925年成立以来,索伯里学校一直是进步教育的领导者.  我们是一所男女寄宿和走读学校,招收9-12年级的255名学生. 
Solebury is an Equal Opportunity Employer.